Person Sheet

Name *Thomas HYNSON37, 9G Grandfather
Birth 1620, Immigrated with wife and children from Isle of Wight Co., Va. He was in Va. by 1646 & settled at Isle of Kent, Md.201,243
Death 1667/8, See Court Hearing mentioning his death in personal notes.
Occupation CLICK NAME FOR NOTES - Kent Island Commissioner; Member of 1654 Assembly; In 1655 High Sheriff, In 1659 Burgess from Kent Co; Planter and Atty.201
1 *Grace WIFE OF THOMAS HYNSON, 9G Grandmother
Children: John (1651-1705)
*Charles (1663-1711)
Thomas (-~1678)
Notes for *Thomas HYNSON
There is a record in the state of Virginia dated 1 Dec 1643 which shows Thomas Hinson deeding a parcel of land to William Brunt.
I'm not positive if THIS Thomas is the individual mentioned in the following. On 29 Aug 1646 209 acres were granted to Thomas Hinson "on w. side of Beverly Cr. of New Town Haven River adj. Capt. John Upton, for trans. 5 pers."
There is also a document dated and signed on 4 Jul 1648 by John King, Lawrence Ward and Thomas Hinson of the Isle of Wight County in Virginia in which they promise "to pay unto David Selleck of Boston in New England, Merchant or to his Assignes the full & compleate quantity of one thousand & fiftie of merchantable Virginia leafe tobacco & caske in some convenient place in the Isle of Wight county aforesaid at or on before the tenth day of October next". Souce: A Volume Relating to the Early History of Boston Containing the Aspinwall Notarial Records; E. W. McGlenen, City Registrar; Pub 1903 Boston Municipal Printing Office
"In the Land Office, Annapolis ( ), is a statement made by thomas Hynson on June 23, 1651, which states: 'Thomas Hynson demandeth 500 acres of land for transporting (into the Province of Maryland from England) himself, his wife and John, Grace and Ann hynson, his children; William Planes, Dunken Makalester and Elizabeth Bloomley, his three servants.' A warrant was issued that same day to the Surveyor General of the Province to 'lay out for Thomas Hynson on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay over against Love Point near the land demanded by Mr. Specy or elsewhere there not formerly taken up.' " Source: Maryland Historical Magazine, Published under the authority of the Maryland Historical Society, Vol. 15, Pub 1920, Baltimore
A petition in the Court records from Prov. Ct. Rec. S.I. f.282 the following: "At a Court holden in Anarundel County on Tuesday August 2nd, 1659: Whereas Thomas Hinson hath petitioned this Court, Showing the hee having taken up the Boate wherein Edward Doarcy and some others drowned, near the Isle of Kent, being desyred by the said Darcy's Overseer to take up the same, which he did, delivering the same Boate to the chiefe in Authority taking a discharge upon the Anarundell and now by his Petition craving for his paynes taken therein, as the Court now sitting shall adjudge him. It is ordered that the said Thomas Hinson have one hundred pounds of Tobacco payd him for the said paynes and Care, by those (Whoever they be) that possesse and enjoy the sd Boate."
There is a biographical file on Thomas. Thomas Hynson (1620-ca. 1667/68) MSA SC 1138-716 2/11/12/40 Restricted: no. Source: Maryland State Archives; SPECIAL COLLECTIONS; (Legislative History Project Collection); MSA SC 1138
244According to the source, the Hinson arms are described as follows. "The sun in full splendor face surrounded by rays, being the cognizance of the Duke of York to which Shakespeare's famous lines apply: 'Now is the winter of our discontent, Made glorious by this Sun of York.'"
"In 1651, Lieut. Thos Hinson, High Sheriff for ye Countie of Kent arrived inthe Province of Maryland, accompanied by his wife, Grace, his children, John, Grace and Anne Hinson, and three servants. He settled in Kent County, and in the year 1652 was filling the important office of Clerk of the County. ... As High Sheriff of Kent, Lieut. Hinson was the leading gentleman of Kent, and his mansion was the meeting place of the Court - as the old recrods of the County amply testify."
The source states that it was in 1652 that Thomas changed his surname spelling to Hynson. He was Justice of Kent Co. Court in 1654 and a "member of the House of Burgesses in 1659 - after which he was debarred from office by Lord Baltimore for serving under the Commonwealth - particularly as a member of the Assembly of 1659."
201 His religious affiliation was Protestant. He supported Fendall's Rebellion in 1659/60-1660, for which he was fined 2,000 lbs. of tobacco and barred from office for 7 years in 1661.
According to the state of Maryland, "In the decade following its creation, the bicameral system faced several major challenges. Many were rooted in colonial politics, but some grew out of religious conflicts and the English Civil War. Puritan governors, appointed by the Parlimentary Commissioners in England, twice convened unicameral legislatures in Maryland, first in 1654, and again in 1657. Catholic Lord Baltimore regained control of the colony in 1658 with the aid of several loyal Protestants, including Josias Fendall. To show his appreciation, Baltimore appointed Fendall governor of Maryland. In 1660 though, Fendall turned traitor, conspiring with the Lower House to abolish the Upper House and establish a commonwealth system of government (Archives of Maryland I: 388-391). "Fendall's Rebellion" was short-lived, as Proprietary forces quickly regained control of the government. Once restored, the Upper House kept the same composition for the next century. The only major change was the removal of the governor's position from the Upper House in 1675."
The land he owned at his first election equaled rights to 800 acres. He patented an additional 4,000 acres. At his death he owned 1 slave and 4 servants. The land he owned at his death was greater than 4,000 acres.

178"The following sections are taken from the second part of Liber A., Court Proceedings of Kent County: WHEREAS by exercise of the Chiefe MAGISTRACY, and Administration of the Government, over England, Scotland, Ireland, and Dominions thereunto beelonginge,doth now reside in his Highness the LORD PROTECTOR; assisted with a COUNCIL; IN whose name all writs, process, Commitions, Graunts or orders are to runne; AND from whom all MAGISTRACY, and powers, in the three Kingdoms, or Nation aforesaid, and the DOMINIONS thereof, is to be derived; AND this PROVINCE OF MARYLAND, by lawfull power from the supreme AUTHORITIE of the Commonwealth of England, formerly and since from the LORD PROTECTOR, and COUNSELL, now beeinge COMMITTED, to the Honorable
Richard Bennett, Esq., and Colonell Wm. Claiborne, is subscribed to the present GOVERNMENT OF ENGLAND, and established therein, by a COMMITION GRAUNTED in the name of his HIGHNESS the LORD PROTECTOR, ...

to COMMAUND all persons therein, in all things relatinge necessarily to the defence thereof, from the INSURRECTIONS of INDIANS, and attempts of any persons whatsoever, unlawfully made, against the peace and libertie of the people, as also to Commaund them, in that which concerns the due
ADMINISTRATION of JUSTICE and RIGHT, the Execution of Lawes, upon delinquents and the lawfull and necessary use of the MILITIA.

REQUIRINGE the people of the sayd Countie to bee subject to all his lawfull Commaunds, AND also wee doe by these presents Nominate and appoint Mr. Joseph Wickes, Mr. Tho. Ringgold, Mr. Thomas Hynson, Mr. Jno. Russell, Mr. Henry Morgan, Mr. Wm. Eliot, and Mr. Henry Carline, to bee Commitioners for the sayd County of Kent ASSISTANT to the sayd Mr. Philip Conier (who is hereby appointed PRESIDENT of the Commition) for the Conservation of the peace, Administration of Justice, and right EXECUTINGE of JUDGMENT to all persons indiferently, in all Causes, of which they shall bee allowed Capable to have Cognizance, and for the present as they have formerly done, untill further order bee published, AND that any foure of the sayd Commitioners whereof Mr. Philip Conier, or Mr. Joseph Wickes, or Mr. Tho. Ringgold, or Mr. Tho. Hinson, to bee all ways one, shall have power to Keepe Courts, at such times and in such places as to them shall seem Convenient and necessary, AND that all writs, proces, warrants, supenas, etc., which concerne the County Court, shall bee signed by the sayd Mr. Philip Conier, but in his absence by Mr. Joseph Wickes, and upon extraordinarie or sudden occation, which endangers the Saftie of the County, preventinge or
supressinge of any dangerous action, the nearest Commissioners shall
have power to give out a warrant directed to the Sheriffe or Constable and in case of Extremitie depute one to serve the same, AND lastly the sayd Mr. Philip Conier, and the sayd Commissioners are Required to Cause the Clerk of theire Court to transcribe the Court prosedings and to deliver them to the Secretarie of the Province, every six Months, at the GENERALL PROVINCIALL COURT.

GIVEN at Providence under my hand this first day of March 1654.

A Court held for Talbott County the 21th of March 1667/8
To the worshipfull Commissioners of Talbott County the humble petition of Christoper Denny. Shewith That mr Thomas Hynson deceased was Indepted to yor
petitioner Three Barills of Indian Come for my wifes attandance of him and his wife in theire sickness; I haueing demanded it of his sons they will nott pay it without order of Court wherefor yor petitioner humbly Craueth an order for the said Come any yor petitioner Shall Ever Pray
The Court hath granted an Order to Christopher Denny for Three Barills of Indian Come against the estate of mr Thomas Hynson deceased.

Copia vera testis Me Clar. Coms. Kent.
Tho. Hill. Liber A. Fol. 97.
"According to a deposition made by Joseph Wickes, he was born in 1620, and was therefore at the time he made the request for land in his thirty-eighth year. Having received a certificate of survey under date September 22nd, 1658 (Land Office, Annapolis Warrants, Vol. Q. pp. 321-322) for 850 acres at the mouth of the Chester River, he and Thomas Hynson received a 'Grant' (Land Office, Annapolis, Emigrant List, Vol. Q. p.66) January 19th, 1659 for 'Wickcliffe'. This grant of land to them jointly, indicated that they had thrown together their fortunes, and had received from the Land Office, then situated at St. Mary's City, a Grant in which both shared equally. Thomas Hynson, who stated that he was born in 1620, in later years accepted from Captain Wickes land in lieu of his rights in 'Wickcliffe', and shortly after the grant was made Captain Wickes began the home of this old place on Eastern Neck Island..." Source: Maryland Historical Magazine, Published under the authority of the Maryland Historical Society, Vol. 15, pg 237-8, Pub 1920, Baltimore
On the state of Maryland's archive site there appears this bio-bit on Thomas.
"Thomas Hynson (1620-1667), who was a member of the Kent Court from
1652 to 1658, and the court clerk in 1652 and 1653, was the founder of the
well known Eastern Shore family of that name. There can be no question
that he, as was doubtless also his close associate Joseph Wickes, was of that
group of Virginia Puritans who came into Maryland in 1649-1650, as Hynson
owned land in, and was living in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1643-1646
(p. 128; Va. Mag. 1898, V. 406; William & Mary Col. Quart. 1899, vii, 291).
Hynson received a warrant, June 23, 1651, for four hundred acres of land on
an island opposite Love Point, Kent Island, for having brought his wife and
three children into the Province, but a patent for this land, which lay on
Eastern Neck Island, was not issued until this territory was opened up for
settlement in 1658. On a webpage regarding the Evironmental Reconissance Study of Lower Eastern Neck Island it states, "Beginning in 1658, Colonel Joseph Wickes and ThomasHynson were granted tracts of land until they owned the entire island.

It would appear that Hynson lived on Kent Island until about 1659, when he apparently moved to the mainland to what in 1662 became Talbot County. It is not believed, however, that he lived upon the 2200 acre tract, " Hinchingham ", on the Kent mainland, which he also patented. Hynson was clerk of Kent County in 1652 and 1653 (pp. 14, 17). He was serving as justice, March 1 1654/5, and was on the bench until 1658 (pp. 66, 99, 126).
His political sympathies appear to have been favorable to the Parliament, and to have been anti-Proprietary in the Fendall "rebellion ". Just after the restoration of Charles II and the overthrow of Fendall, there was recorded, February 13, 1660/1, in the Kent records a deposition in which it was declared that Hynson was heard to have referred to the court house as "his Maiestys Dog hous ", hut further inquiry as to this disrespectful speech seems to have been dropped (p. 197). He was a member of the Assembly from Kent, including the insurgent Assembly called by Fendall in 1660, and for this he and his friend, Joseph Wickes, were debarred for seven years from holding office and were obliged to give bond for good behavior. His son of the same name was one of the justices of the first Talbot County Court (p. xxiii)."
On 20 Jan 1667 Thomas Sr's sons Thomas and John were granted administration of his estate. Appraisers of the estate were to be Simon Carpenter, Philemon Lloyd & William Hemsley. Henry Coursey, Esq. was to administer the oath.

An inventory of Mr. Thomas Hinson, Sr's estate. was filed in Talbot County, MD on 18 Feb 1667. Servants mentioned: Negro Dugo, Joseph, Robert Peek (boy), Ann Barly.
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